Earth Prime
Earth Prime is the original planet Earth on its original growth path, which is now completely in the 5th dimension.
In the past seven years, Earth Prime has spun gloriously into full being. It spins in easy harmony, a full member of the RA/Pleaidean Confederation (the federation of positive planets of the Universe), and is in open and constant contact with the vast eternal and ever-living, ever-growing cosmos.
Earth Prime has a character all its own. It is is sublimely vibrates with joy... it is magnificently alive...and it is distinctly, without question, the mature and shining "Earth". It bears the imprint of Earth's history, from the first glimmer of an idea for the project, through its early developmental phases and intermediary growth stages, to its final pathways of enlightment and fulfillment. It carries full awareness of The Shift, The Split, and its sister planetary versions Transition Earth and Fallback Earth. Earth Prime or ''The New Earth'' is the 5D Earth without the vibrations of pain and suffering. The base vibrational frequency of Earth Prime is that of Pure Gold and Pure Diamond. You feel only incredible Love, Peace and Joy. Love and Joy which you can only dream about in the 3rd and 4th Dimensional Earths that you live in at this time.
In the past seven years, Earth Prime has spun gloriously into full being. It spins in easy harmony, a full member of the RA/Pleaidean Confederation (the federation of positive planets of the Universe), and is in open and constant contact with the vast eternal and ever-living, ever-growing cosmos.
Earth Prime has a character all its own. It is is sublimely vibrates with joy... it is magnificently alive...and it is distinctly, without question, the mature and shining "Earth". It bears the imprint of Earth's history, from the first glimmer of an idea for the project, through its early developmental phases and intermediary growth stages, to its final pathways of enlightment and fulfillment. It carries full awareness of The Shift, The Split, and its sister planetary versions Transition Earth and Fallback Earth. Earth Prime or ''The New Earth'' is the 5D Earth without the vibrations of pain and suffering. The base vibrational frequency of Earth Prime is that of Pure Gold and Pure Diamond. You feel only incredible Love, Peace and Joy. Love and Joy which you can only dream about in the 3rd and 4th Dimensional Earths that you live in at this time.