The word "eat" came from the word "Breath" because the Human chose this deadly, alternative method of fuelling the physical body.
''You've got to stand up where you fall down."
This is about our Fall from Grace in the Garden of Eden (Eaten).
In eating the proverbial apple, Humans, the Children of Gaia, entered the Beautiful and Painful Initiation of Divine Free Will.
Now, We must retrace our steps and undo the damages as we return the body to its perfect state of Eternal Youth and Immortality.
After all,''You Are What You Eat" The 5th Dimensional Diet * * * * *
''You've got to stand up where you fall down."
This is about our Fall from Grace in the Garden of Eden (Eaten).
In eating the proverbial apple, Humans, the Children of Gaia, entered the Beautiful and Painful Initiation of Divine Free Will.
Now, We must retrace our steps and undo the damages as we return the body to its perfect state of Eternal Youth and Immortality.
After all,''You Are What You Eat" The 5th Dimensional Diet * * * * *