What Is Breatharianism?
The most inclusive definition of a Breatharian was stated plainly by Wiley Brooks, the Father.
This definition expresses the inclusiveness of both this movement and your Creator. If you are sustained by the Breath of Life, you are a Breatharian. If you are Human, you are a natural Breatharian.
It is that simple.
Any other definition is meant to divide Us.
This may come as a surprise to you, but the entire Breatharian 'Movement' has been infiltrated by beings who are obsessed with gathering the spiritual energy of the Humans. This is done with a simple 'Divide and Conquer' strategy with spiritual elitism as the temptation/reward.
Any person who is teaching that a Breatharian does not eat food is either willingly or unwittingly acting as an agent of darkness.
These 'teachers' are creating separation within this world, throughout the Breatharian movement and within the entire Human Family.
Thankfuly, our Creator is fully aware of the nefarious plans of those who seek to harm us and usurp our Divine Free Will.
Their plans will lead to their own demise.
And so it is.
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